The Bulgarian Muscle blog features videos, articles, workouts, and more.
To wrestle at the number one premier professional league in Germany sounds pretty cool right? To get paid on top of that for only wrestling once per week and do wh...
My brother and I started wrestling when I was seven years old. I loved it from day one. Since my brothers and I were always fighting and breaking things around the house anyway, wrestling was a great way for us to safely use up all o...
Grip Strength and Overall Strength go Hand in Hand, Literally. You can have the biggest, strongest chest, back, shoulders, legs, etc., but if you grip is weak, you’re going to be at a huge disadvantage. Why? Because you are only as s...
Although I did not take gymnastics growing up, I wish I had. However, for every warm-up we did before practice began, I was always doing some form of tumbling incorporated into the warm-up. Why is it that we see some teams doing fron...
We are far from knowing all there is to know about how to get into flow. While the study of flow is now popular, before Dr. Csikszentmihalyi began studying it in the 1960’s, the idea of it in sports was almost non-existent. Sure, p...
In the last section, I went over the 9 fundamental and prevailing themes of flow. To reiterate from before: They are: 1) challenge-skills balance; 2) action-awareness margin; 3) clear goals; 4) unambiguous feedback; 5) concentratio...
Unstoppable. I am unstoppable. Try and beat me; try and take me down. Machine — I am a machine. My body is ticking like clockwork. My every move is precise and seemingly effortless. I have no pain. No doubt enters m...
Every time spring rolls around, I am shocked by the number of wrestlers who either don’t wrestle at all in the off season or continue to only train folkstyle If that’s you, you are missing out on one of the greatest opportunities to improve exponenti...
Here's the videos for 4 of my 5 matches from the Dan Kolov & Nikola Petrov wrestling tournament this weekend. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with my training, wrestling, and travel.
“If nothing changes, then nothing changes”
As you grow older, you start to look at things differently. I believe that everyone experiences growth in thei...
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